A production company is generally involved in producing media products. The production company is involved in funding and helping to facilitate the making of, and distributing films and/or television programs. They may also make important decisions including the budget, actors, the director and scripting and are also responsible for things like distribution and marketing. Our production company is CFF Productions which is an independent film production company.
A distribution company is a company that specialises in releasing films for cinema and/or home release. There are two types of distributor,major studio and independent. Major studios usually have the money, resources and equipment to produce and distribute film, e.g. Universal. Independent distributors produce small scale, lower budget films, e.g. Working Title. For smaller films without the backing of major studios, the film distributors might also develop marketing and publicity campaigns. For our film, we have decided to distribute our film independently through channels such as iTunes, YouTube, social networking and reviews from magazines and newspapers.
Our film's main plot is a kidnapping which is similar to films such as Taken and Ransom. The finer details of our film is that it is a male teenager who has became obsessed with two girls and so decides to kidnap and hold them hostage which makes it different from other films.
The money to fund our film would most probably some from deals negotiated from broadcasters such as the BBC. Also, we would be able to get funding from the British Film Council/British Film Institute. Also, we could apply for funding from the local council or regional screen agency.
The titles in our film are as follows:
Production company - CFF Productions
Highest billing - Terri Ritchie
Highest billing - Will Griffiths
Title - Insanity
Director of Photography - Olivia Wright-Lewis
Editor of Sound - Laura Roberts
Director - Terri Wright-Roberts
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