Q7 - Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to your final product?
Here are two shots, the top on from the preliminary task and the bottom from the final product. They both show two people having a conversation but both use different shots. The above is a mid shot featuring two people and the bottom is an over-the-shoulder shot. The bottom is a much better use of framing as the two people fill the frame unlike the top where there is a lot of empty space.
Here are two shots, the top on from the preliminary task and the bottom from the final product. They both show a person walking but use different shots. The top uses a mid shot and the bottom uses a mid shot and the bottom uses a very wide shot. The top does not show the person's legs moving or their surrounding while the bottom does and therefore is much more effective.
When filming our preliminary task, we encountered many issues. The main problem was that after uploading our footage and coming back to edit it the next day, we found that our footage was missing and had to re-film it. Also we had a lot of waste footage which included shots where people began laughing or forgot their lines. When we edited our footage, we found that continuity was a problem as one of the people in our film kept moving their hands a lot which was a problem when editing. Because our script was put together quite late, when filming the two people talking kept forgetting their lines as they hadn't had time to learnt them thoroughly.
In our final product we made many improvements. We kept an eye on continuity and made sure that the actor moved in the same way, in the same place on each take. We also used a wider range of shots and angles by using wide shots and over the shoulder shots which we did not use in our preliminary task. When filming, we made sure that the lighting was correct and suitable for the scene we were filming such as the one overhead light in the hostage scene making it low key and using strong lights on the faces of the actors when they were being interviewed to show facial expressions. We also had much higher expectations as when we filmed our preliminary task we had low expectations of what was possible but we were much more positive with the opening sequence as we knew we could of done much better.
Over the course of this project, my camera skills when filming have improved as I have become more aware of angles and what is in the frame. My lighting skills have also improved as I learnt how to control the lighting better and how lighting can help create mood and atmosphere. I have also learnt how to use Adobe Premiere Pro to edit films by uploading them, cutting them, placing them in order, placing effects on them and adding sound effects and transitions. My organisational skills have also improved as as we had to prepare what we were doing each lesson and had to prepare when we were going to film outside of lessons, what we had to bring each day and who would do each job.
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